WILLBRANDT Gummiteknik A/S


At WILLBRANDT, alongside our commitment to quality and performance towards our customers, the highest priority is the gentle treatment of our limited resources. Sustainable thinking and behavior to alleviate our environment and nature have shaped our actions for many years.

Our key competencies include a consistent focus on our customers’ needs, great flexibility and commitment from our employees, as well as the high quality standards that we associate and document with all significant processes.

The Willbrandt Group has defined an overarching environmental goal of achieving CO2 neutrality by 2040 at the latest. This encompasses all of the company’s processes associated with our locations, our employees, and our product and raw material transportation. Based on already implemented and planned measures, we at Willbrandt are optimistic about fully achieving this goal.

We firmly believe that economic success must be inseparably accompanied by social responsibility and environmental protection. Our stated goal is to integrate sustainability in a sustainable manner into our daily business operations and thereby contribute positively to our environment and society.

Efficiency and Responsibility

Transition to LED Lighting

Effective building materials to optimize energy consumption

Establishment of own charging infrastructure for electric bicycles and cars

Environmental certifications and standards

Sustainable suppliers with short production routes

Recycling of plastic and production waste